Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stardust (2007)

Stardust (2007) Movie Review

Stardust, based on Neil Gaiman's "high fantasy" novel, has all the elements of Grimm's fairy tale with witches, flying pirate ships, kings, princes and princesses, unicorns, ghosts and witches spells that can only be broken by a true love's kiss.

Stardust (2007)movie poster | DVD movie review pictureThe movie comes across like a better "The Princess Bride" with touches of Terry Gilliam here and there. It has a slow build up taking its time to flesh out some of the many characters in Stardust. It makes up for the slow start and meandering plot with a strong memorable finish. The movie is over 2 hours long, but you won't feel that it is that long.

Medieval sets of Stardust's alternate universe of Stormhold really creates a realistic backdrop for this story much like the universes of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Though the CGI /special effects are reasonably good it is not exactly earth shattering.

Big stars like Michelle Pfeiffer, Peter O'Toole etc in the movie was also add quality to the production.

Stardust unfolds like a good murder mystery leaving you guessing of what is going to happen next. The story is about an ordinary boy who goes on a simple quest to win the hand of a local town beauty but gets diverted by the problems of other people. The true object of the quest is not known to him until the very end and I won't be a spoiler by telling you.

Go and experience the magical kingdom of Stardust and find out the mystery for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

Stardust is suitable for children with some reservations:

Stardust is rated PG-13 for fantasy violence and some risque humor. The film begins with a short tale that culminates in a scene of implied premarital sex, and the film treats this event as a whimsical, amusing situation. There are scenes of magical violence—some comical and some frightening.

Stardust an entertaining adult fairy tale that will satisfy grown-ups but may leave younger kids restless because of its complex story line and rather wordy dialog. Also, the adult humor, scary witches and violence (most of which are off screen) may deter some parents from taking their younger kids to see Stardust.

The "camp" part exposing Shakespeare (Robert de Niro) as a gay pirate (as in closet cross-dressing) may be considered out of place in this family movie by some.

© - Stardust (2007)

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