Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fred Claus (2007)

Fred Claus (2007) Movie Review

Fred Claus may not be a perfect movie but it has its charms. If you are into the legends of Santa Claus and want to get into the spirit of Christmas, this is the movie to put into DVD player. It has lots of interesting things going for it, fantastic Christmas characters, positive values, good plot and great music.

The movie tries to tell the true story of St. Nicholas at the beginning of the movie. How an ordinary man has been transformed to legendary status as Santa Claus from baby to adulthood. Santa's North Pole back story is also more detailed compared to previous Santa movies. So if you are a fan of the Santa legend, you'll get a nice visual treat on origins and live of Santa.
Fred Claus (2007)movie poster | DVD movie review pictureThe music featured in Fred Claus is also great with some well known 60s songs. It also has some superb traditional Christmas songs rarely seen in today's movies like "Silent Night", "The First Noel" etc. The song "Silent Night" featured in Fred Claus is a very moving traditional version by Sinead O'Conner. If you watched the movie, I'm sure you'll want to buy the CD Soundtrack of Fred Claus. But note that the excellent songs by the Rolling Stones' "Beast of Burden" and the Byrds "My Back Pages" are not in the CD probably because they are not Christmas songs.
Fred Claus has a great cast including Oscar winners Kevin Spacey and Kathy Bates.

Fred Claus - Suitable for Young Children:
Children will love this movie because it has all their beloved characters in it. More than this, it has lots of good motivational themes which will teach kids about generosity, always seeing the good in people, the value of maintaining traditions and carrying out one's responsibilities.

Fred Claus is rated PG for mild language and some rude humor. The bad language is limited to Santa saying his workshop is "going down the crapper'. The "rude humor" is mild mainly due to a completely unnecessary reference to sexual impotence during a family argument. The adult situations is more about unmarried people living together.

Here is a "Fred Claus" streaming video movie trailer from YouTube:

© - Fred Claus

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